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Member Date: Oct 23, 2023


With a unique blend of professional expertise and intuitive gifts, I am dedicated to helping individuals navigate their spiritual journeys and any ghostly encounters they may face or wish to explore. I've honed a deep understanding of trauma and healing, which provides a compassionate foundation for guiding others. My strong analytical skills ensure a balanced approach to problem-solving, whether it’s in the realm of personal growth or spiritual experiences.

As a talented and studied intuitive and skilled psychic medium, I have gathered hundreds of experiences through readings, hauntings, and clearings. I connect with the unseen, offering insights and support to those seeking clarity and connection.

Whether you’re looking to explore your spiritual path, seek guidance on personal challenges, or understand ghostly encounters, I am here to illuminate your journey. With empathy, wisdom, and a touch of the mystical, I am committed to helping you find peace, purpose, and understanding in your life.

Curious about how Steph and I found the SAGE Method and why we love being SAGE Coaches? Read on!

We've always had the ability to see spirits and intuitively know things, but we felt a growing desire to share and work with others in a spiritual way. Unsure of how to expand or share our knowledge, we discovered The SAGE Method course. We weren’t necessarily seeking someone to "teach" us how to be ourselves, yet that’s exactly what we received—and it was exactly what we needed! With years of self-development behind us, we fully immersed ourselves in The SAGE Method, and everything took off from there. We learned how to tap in, navigate, set boundaries, and work with our spirit guides—not just on a knowing level, but as part of a team, collaborating with spirit and energy to assist others on their journeys. The insights we’ve each gained through The SAGE Method have accelerated our growth exponentially, launched us further with our company Immersive Spirit and helped us toward achieving our life-long dream of helping others, all while continuing to develop ourselves.


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First Name
Zodiac Sign
Parker, CO
What would you like to share?
Intentional living and everything I learn
What would you like to learn?
Everyones experiences and insights!

Immersive Spirit LLC sessions and courses are not a substitute for professional services, and should not be construed as guidance of any form on financial, psychological or health related issues. For such matters you should seek advice from an appropriate and qualified expert in said field. By registering for a session or taking a course through Immersive Spirit LLC, you agree that you are responsible for your own well-being during and following any course or session.

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