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SAGE Mentorship Coaching, 30-Minute Sessions


What is Isabeau Maxwell’s SAGE Method About? The SAGE Method presents a comprehensive and intensive program aimed at enhancing psychic awareness and intuition. Renowned for its holistic and practical approach, it combines scientific and spiritual teachings to offer a unique and thorough intuitive education. Throughout the program, participants undergo significant emotional, mental, and spiritual transformations. What to expect from your experience: Mastering techniques to increase and control psychic and intuitive experiences. Transforming their mindset and relationships, breaking free from negative patterns to foster healthy, thriving connections. Utilizing their intuition to improve personal health, wealth, and happiness. Becoming part of a nurturing community of like-minded individuals. Achieving a balanced, natural flow in life, and gain the courage to make positive changes. How can Immersive Spirit’s Coaching Help You? Our coaching approach is designed to support you at every stage of your journey. We offer personalized guidance and thought-provoking questions to help you enhance your journey during your SAGE Method program. Through individual sessions and/or group workshops, we provide tailored insights, feedback, and encouragement. Whether your goal is to deepen your psychic experiences, improve relationships, or find your spiritual community, our coaching ensures you have the support and resources you need to succeed. To purchase your SAGE Method Course and Workbook, please visit Our coaching, whether individual or group sessions, are available in addition to The SAGE Method to deepen your understanding and assist in your progress through the program. **We have two plans available for the full seven-week experience, or you can find individual sessions on Our Services page if you are in need of just a session or two for questions.


SAGE Mentorship Coaching - 30-Min. Each, $200.00


Your Coaches

We’ve always had the ability to see spirits and intuitively know things, but we felt a growing desire to share and work with others in a spiritual way. Unsure of how to expand or share our knowledge, we discovered The SAGE Method course. We weren’t necessarily seeking someone to "teach" us how to be ourselves, yet that’s exactly what we received—and it was exactly what we needed! With years of self-development behind us, we fully immersed ourselves in The SAGE Method, and everything took off from there. We learned how to tap in, navigate, set boundaries, and work with our spirit guides—not just on a knowing level, but as part of a team, collaborating with spirit and energy to assist others on their journeys. The insights we’ve each gained through The SAGE Method have accelerated our growth exponentially, launched us further with our company Immersive Spirit and helped us toward achieving our life-long dream of helping others, all while continuing to develop ourselves.

Natalie Shelafo

Stephanie Curd

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